Become a Water Skier!
Membership Dues
No change for 2024 season!!
Skier - $100 ($25 discount for Lake Zumbro residents)
Family - $300
Supporting - $25
Alumni - $25
Plus USA WaterSki Association fees (mandatory except alumni)
Join or renew USA at: OR
Click HERE for USA Application Form (New Members)
Learn2Ski Program - email us for updated information!!
Click HERE for Application Form OR
NEW option: click here! Sign up ONLINE!
Click HERE for Alcohol Policy/Form
Active Member/Skier
Participate in all shows, practices and tournaments. Go over the jump, climb or base a pyramid, go barefooting, or learn to swivel ski. Don't want to get on the water? Try boat driving or pinning (riding), or stay behind the scenes in the costume department or helping with sound. Everyone and every ability welcome!
Support (Drivers/Pinners/Actors)/Alumni
Support: Participate in all shows and tournaments. Practice as needed for acting roles and other support functions. (Do you have other skills? We always need help behind the scenes, with docks, carpentry, site maintenance, equipment repair and more!!) Have fun while being involved with a great team!
Alumni: Continue your support of the team with your annual donation. We want to hear from you!

Spend your summer in and on the water, skiing, and enjoying lake life! Don't know how to ski? We'll teach you!
- Be willing to help and learn
- Pay Membership dues
- Pay USA Association Fees
- Work a little; and have a boatload of fun for the summer!

Development Team
This is a regular member of the team, but you'll get special time to be able to learn the tricks and nuances of show skiing. You might be able to learn how to climb or base a pyramid, how to barefoot or go over the jump, or maybe work with a partner to learn doubles or trios. Don't worry - learning is part of the fun!
- Be willing to learn and try new things
- Have fun!
- Pay Membership dues
- Pay USA Association Fees
- Did I mention have a boatload of fun for the summer!?!

Learn to Ski Programs
If you've never skied or want to refresh your skills, this clinic is for you! Learn how to get up on skis, drop a ski (slalom) or advanced tricks like crossing/jumping the wake, barefooting and more. Gain confidence and have fun this summer!
- Be any age or ability but be willing to learn!
Able-bodied, disabled skiers welcome
- Pay $50 for your 3-hour lesson
- Listen, Try, Have fun!!